I despise corporate art. It is soul less.

The symbolic interactionism theory says that meanings are made from our interactions. we talk, interact, believe in symbols, make the symbols relevant and a universal meaning emerges. One might believe in a faith and his community might too. a universal united meaning of a prayer is accepted among a community. but for someone who has a different understanding of reality altogether, say the aboriginals in Australia, the prayer is of net zero benefit or significance for them. they have not been socialized in a way that they can understand or make meaning of said prayer. It does not make the prayer any less significant, at least for the ones who believe in its relevance.

In a metropolis, a significant amount of diversity is present. but what will one do of such variety in humans? when people mix with each other, the beautiful thing which arises from their interactions is the curiosity of understanding each other. different people from different economic backgrounds might mix with each other to talk about how their socialization and growth was different. culture is not to be ignored, the meanings which individuals have grown to believe in, the symbols and values are different. the concepts of bad and good conflict, individuals might cringe by knowing what the other culture believes to be normal, but its normal to cringe because only then will one start understanding the concept of cultures other than their own. If one is to cringe at the norm of others, he should try to comprehend that what is abnormal, weird, out of the ordinary for one, might be a regular practice for another. it is the process of knowing, cringing, understanding and moving on by knowing that there are differences, and a ton of them in the modern world, can someone grow, develop, or try or to succeed at gaining more insight into the world that we inhabit at this current moment.

Sound is a medium. Music is an art that appeases to our psyche. I think, most of the music listeners are stuck inside a media bubble, where they are recommended the music which they are most likely to listen to, the algorithms of Spotify and YouTube are proficient at their work. Discovering outside the algorithm is good for our minds, getting exposed to different types of artforms is essential for our day to day lives. Otherwise, what would be the difference between us and the chickens which are fed the grains, and they accept it with no hesitancy?

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